I met Todd Eberle when he first came to New York three decades ago. I helped design the first issues of Paper Magazine, which started 30 years ago next month. (Yikes!) Todd got his first assignment there in ’87, and met his boyfriend, Richard Pandiscio, who was the magazineʼs art director at the time. (You probably know Todd's work from Vanity Fair where he's shot portraits and architecture for the last 20 or so years.) A dozen years ago, Todd and Richard bought a house in West Cornwall, Connecticut and the property had no garden so, Richard made one. Every morning, he’d bring Todd a bouquet from the garden and Todd started photographing the daily bouquets in a makeshift studio in their living room. From these photos he manipulated the image to create his own kaleidoscopic “photographic bouquets”. Todd showed me some of these images on his iPhone a few years at an Art Basel Miami party and they looked really great, even small. These became “Flowers (for Richard)” that are now blown up to 6 x 8′. I didn’t get to go to the opening but I swiped these images off of Todd’s Instagram, which you should follow. You can see the work at The National Exemplar at 381 Broadway 2nd Floor, New York City, through July 3. (Photos via Instagram)
Richard Pandiscio
Flowers by Eberle
Tulip by Todd
Flowers installation at The National Exemplar
Glenn O'Brien with matching bag
Alex Hertling planned his outfit well