Nearly 400 four-legged contestants mixed it up with two-legged owners and admirers in Manhattan’s Tompkins Square Park for the 25th Annual Tompkins Square Halloween Dog Parade. (It bills itself as the world's largest Halloween dog parade, btw and the $$ raised guest benefit the park's dog run.) The top prize was won by some contestants who came all the way from Dallas with a Day of the Dead-themed look and not one but two Chihuahuas plus a Yorkshire terrier. There were all types of dinosaurs (Hello? Jurassic World was huge.) plus dogs posing as all sorts of other animals. There were, of course, more than a few pizza rat pooches and one dog, accompanied by a woman wearing a nun’s habit, killed it as Pope Francis. Here are some of the cutest. I gotta get Lamonte a good Wookie onesey and go next year!
Only in New York
When a LOT of people want the same thing, that thing gets expensive, right? Welcome to New York real estate. I have a tiny place (that I’m lucky to have) in the Meatpacking District. Ten years ago when I bought the place I checked into renting a monthly parking spot in the building across the street. It was $600 a month. My exes rent stabilized apartment (which is only about twice the size of a parking space) rents for only slightly more. Now, I park my car on the street for free. In fact, my life and schedule is sort of ruled by alternate side parking.
So, a new development at 42 Crosby Street in SoHo, is offering 10 million-dollar parking spots on a first-come-first-served basis to buyers at the 10-unit luxury apartment building. (Ironically, the building itself is the former site of a parking lot.) The spots, some of which will be a generous 200 square feet, will run $5,000 to $6,666 a square foot, whereas the nine three-bedroom units upstairs are “just” $3,170 a square foot. Yes, this is our world in 2014 – ISIS and the information of human history at our fingertips, IKEA and million-dollar parking spots.