Have a hard time waking up in the morning. Want to get up with a BANG!? (To say the least!) The Little Rooster, is a smart new sex toy. It isn’t just a vibrator, it’s an alarm clock for your pussy. The device has 27 ultra-quiet levels of intensity (plus three more monster-loud ones for those deep sleepers).
You actually wear it inside your undies where a,
“vibrating leg stimulates your clitoris and labia.”
The Little Rooster starts the sexy vibrations five minutes before you actually need to get your lazy c*nt out of bed. And it’s fairly affordable at under $100. But does it really work?
And ladies, wouldn’t “The Big Cock“ I mean CLOCK, had been a better name for marketing? Go ahead and say it…
“I’ll have what she’s having.“
(T/Y Tad; via Your Tango)