BookMarc is a tiny bookstore that last night was overflowing with Maripol fans. She was posing for pictures, signing and numbering books (it’s a limited edition run of only 600, for $90) and kissing her friends as fast as she could. Since the book is a lot of nude Polaroids and sexy poems, I asked her to make my inscription dirty. The party spilled out onto the street where I saw Glenn O’Brien, Christopher Makos, Roxanne Lowit (who just had a very successful photo show of her work at Stephen Kasher Gallery) and many others coming and going in the freezing cold. Maripol seriously knows EVERYONE and beyond that she has legions of fans of her work. Big success, I think. My pal, Wealth Engine’s Susan Kilkenny, and I stood outside and chatted WAY too long until we were chilled to the bone. We then headed out to the new Bubby’s Highline (across from the the new Whitney) for a delicious dinner.
There was an after party later, at the new Up and Down where The Darby used to be on 14th Street which was the old Nell’s) So, we went and hung out for a bit. Maripol showed up and her son Lino, DJed a great set. My friend Marc Achilles, & big Maripol fan since I gave him a huge Polaroid of Madonna in a pink wig, met up with us. The place was now packed with a fashion-y crowd and the music was great so everyone was dancing. Susan split and Marc and I were hanging in out in Maripol’s protected area and after a bit, the sea parted and Maripol ushered in Grace Jones with a few of her pals. Grace was fresh off her performance last night at AmFar where, when the stage was too small for her hula-hooping song she screamed, “Clear the decks!” and hopped down on the the table and did her act to the screaming delight of the crowd. She was is a great mood and we all danced around (me with a 7 foot body guard next to Grace and her very fit ass. After asking permission, I snapped a picture of her and Maripol, (it was kinda sucky, so “not shown”). After about 30+ minutes of Grace dancing and gyrating non-stop, Maripol jumped up on a banquet and Grace sort of attacked her playing and laughing. I took a few snaps, but it was in the dark, so I couldn’t see what was going on really. Suddenly, Grace pointed to me and screamed “No!” and slapped my iPhone out of my hand onto the ground. I picked it up and said, “No, look..” as I was going to show her the shot. “No!” Again phone slapped out of my hand. Maripol then grabbed me and said “Don’t post that picture. Please, don’t make her mad.” I went to say I was sorry and Grace lightly slapped me, grabbed my neck pulled me close, and said into my ear “I only came out for Maripol – she is family, I love her. That was private!” We exchanged a few more words, and it seemed all was fine. Then, she grabbed me again, bit my cheek, kissed me and then laughing grabbed my crotch and said to Maripol, “Grab his dick!” They sort of tried but I was squirming around too much. (Later when I looked at my pictures there was one shot with Grace’s head in Maripol’s lap, so she must of thought I had tried to shoot a goofing around private moment, but I hadn’t seen anything and was just randomly shooting in the dark. But I understood why she got so mad at me.) It seemed all WAS forgiven and I was told to sit down by Maripol (and I obeyed) and they all danced a bit more. Obviously, I wasn’t ABOUT to take another picture! A few times while Grace was dancing she pointed at me and gave me a funny “stink eye” look. When they all were leaving to go upstairs, Grace stuck out her tongue at me and I blew her a kiss. Well, I’m sorry, THAT’S how you throw fun party! Never a dull moment with Maripol! – or with Grace Jones either, apparently.
When I asked if Maripol's drawing was of a rocket or penis without balls, she clarified, "penis without balls" in the inscription; Grace (with balls) from Maripola X
Grace at AmFar driving the crowd mad.
Mahem at Up and Down with Grace, her dance partner for the night and Maripol