There are plenty of channels on YouTube that offer full movies for free but they are often bootleg versions which get taken down by studio with copyright “issues”. But the Paramount Vault is a YouTube channel that offers full movies for free and it is actually run by the studio. What kind of films will you find in the Vault? Many obscure, some bad –but some good and even a few great. Paramount has gone WAY back to pull out some old-school titles that span many genres. And beyond these feature-length films, the Vault also offers tonsof clips from the studio’s more famous productions to share. The famous climactic ending of Sunset Boulevard is preceded by a meme that updates the movie’s most famous line…
“I’m ready for my selfie.”
Wah, Wah. Not sure what the strategy is here but someone in marketing CLEARLY pitched it to the suits that they need to get with the digital age. And most of these “lesser-known” films would just be sitting in the vault, so why NOT put them on YouTube? As if we don’t have enough free entertainment. Peruse the catalogue here and see if there’s something you like. Those Z-Grade Sci-Fi flicks like The Colossus of New York look kinda fun to me. Can’t be worse that San Andreas which I watched last night for $4.99…
(T/Y Suzanne; via Tube Filter)